
1 Aug 2017 | Written by Apurv Bajaj
Get started

Hey there! Welcome to BITS ACM’s newest venture, a technical blog where all the members pool their knowledge with respect to their field of interest.

How to post?

All members need to follow the following process:

  1. Fork the BITS-ACM Blog repository in your respective GitHub account.
  2. In the _posts directory, create a new file in the following format:
  3. Before beginning with your post, write down the following at the top:
    layout: post
    title:  "Title of your post"
    tags: [All the tags asscoiated with your post separated by commas]
    author: Your Name
    desc: A One-liner description (optional)
  1. Write down your post with proper formatting in Markdown.
    You can go through the following 10-minutes-markdown Tutorial if you feel the need.
    A comprehensive guide to Markdown will shortly be posted.

Author Settings:

  1. After you are through with the post, open the _authors folder and create a Markdown file in the following format:
    Your Name.md
  2. Write down the following front-matter in the Markdown file:
    layout: author
    title: Your Name
    image_path: /images/xyz.jpg
    intro: One-liner introduction
  1. To change the author image open the images folder and upload your image. Do not forget to change the image_path in the front-matter.
  2. Give a short description of yourself with proper formatting.

This completes the entire process!
Now send a pull request to the blog repository which will be merged accordingly!
Peace Out!